Thursday, 31 January 2008

Delivery Requirements

  • XHTML (eXtensive Hyper Text Markup Language) Strict 1.0
    This will be used to create the skeleton of the site in which all the content will be placed. It will be used on every page of the site, no matter what the extension. It will contain code which calls upon my CSS (see below) such as < div id= "___"> etc.

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Level 2.1
    This will be used to style my pages. It will be linked to my site externally so it can be used for numerous pages not just one. I will use aspects of both level 1 and level 2.1 but will try and not use level 3 features as these are not as widely supported as earlier versions.

  • Flash
    This will be used to create some small animated banners that will appear on the different pages of my site. The banners will be specific to the page (such as for the new releases for the genre pages or 'free track of the week' on the homepage) and there will be 1 or 2 per page.

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